Sustainability Activities
Wellness Promoting Health & Wellness
Providing a Place to Contribute to the Sustainable Promotion of People’s Health
PICK UP ACTION Enhancement of wellness and medical support

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Enhancement of wellness and medical support | Mori Trust has established a Wellness Promotion Group and registered it as a supporter organization on InnoHub, which is led by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. In addition, Mori Trust promotes various support functions for individual customers and corporate stakeholders, such as the holding of wellness events and provision of medical services at Tokyo Worldgate and Tokyo Worldgate Akasaka. |
Creating Food and Lodging Opportunities Serving to Refresh the Mind and Body
PICK UP ACTION Development and provision of health-oriented menus

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Promoting activities and relaxation to improve mental and physical health |
We are promoting good physical and mental health through activities and relaxation undertaken in a manner which leverages the characteristics of various local communities, and are promoting initiatives purposed with having customers enjoy stays leaving both the body and mind in a productive state.
Development and provision of health-oriented menus |
We are working to support food safety and a variety of lifestyles so that meals can be enjoyed with peace of mind.
Realization of Health and Productivity Management Throughout Society
PICK UP ACTION Education on health screenings and living habit reviews

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Education on health screenings and living habit reviews |
Through events and cooperation with stakeholders, we provide education to society as a whole to facilitate the implementation of health and productivity management.